Ideas Unleashed - On-The-Go Knowledge Management with TheBrain
TheBrain Blog

Shelley Hayduk
Jun 27, 2024

Ideas Unleashed - On-The-Go Knowledge Management with TheBrain

TheBrain lets you capture and organize everything instantly.

Are you losing interesting ideas and important info on the go? TheBrain lets you capture and organize everything instantly, anytime, anywhere. Join us to see how TheBrain turns chaos into clarity, revolutionizing your workflow.

What You'll Learn:

  • Easy web site and idea capture on any device
  • Creating dynamic spaces for idea management
  • Accessing your brain anywhere, anytime, on the go
  • Intelligent linking and categorization for streamlined work processes
  • Integrating all your information using TheBrain Web Clipper
  • Utilizing BrainBox for rapid information aggregation

Ideas on the GO!

Offload your information into a trusted source! The first sample brain we used in this demo contained excellent examples of categories where you can quickly capture information.

Browse Online Download BRZ

Download BRZ Instructions

  • Download the desired BRZ file.
  • Launch TheBrain desktop application and click on File in the top menu bar. Select Import...
  • From the pop up window, select the option Brain Archive (.brz)
  • Use the radio buttons to either Create a new brain or Add to Open Brain
  • Click Select File... and navigate to the downloaded BRZ file.
  • The desktop application will confirm a valid BRZ has been selected
  • Click Import

More posts by: Shelley Hayduk